04 Apr 2024

East Coast Lawn Love: 5 Must-Do Spring Care Steps for a Lush Yard

Here are five spring lawn care tips for homeowners on the East Coast:

  1. Clean Up the Lawn: Start by raking your lawn to remove dead leaves, twigs, and other debris that may have accumulated over the winter. This debris can block sunlight and air from reaching your lawn, which can stunt its growth. Raking also helps loosen up the soil, making it easier for grass roots to absorb nutrients.
  2. Mow the Lawn: Sharpen your mower blades and mow a little lower than usual to remove old plant material and make way for new growth. Begin with a first mow at 1-2 settings lower than normal, then return to the rule of not cutting more than one-third of the grass height.Lawn
  3. Aerate the Lawn: Create small holes in the soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to reach the grass roots. Aeration can be done manually with a hand aerator or using a machine. It improves soil quality and encourages healthy growth. 
  4. Fertilize the Lawn: Spring is the perfect time to apply fertilizer. Choose one appropriate for your lawn type and apply it evenly. Follow the instructions on the package for best results. 
  5. Seed Bare Patches: Addressing bare patches in your lawn during spring is crucial for maintaining a healthy and lush green carpet. If you have bare spots, it’s time to seed them with high-quality lawn seed and regularly water the newly seeded areas. This nurturing process will encourage the grass to take root and thrive

Remember, proper lawn care in spring sets the stage for a lush and healthy lawn throughout the warmer months!

16 Jan 2017

Landscape Horticulturist – Alex Brennan

Landscape horticulturists survey and assess landscape, draw sketches and interpret plans. They construct and maintain gardens, parks, golf courses and other landscape environments. In addition, they advise clients on issues related to horticulture and landscape construction. Landscape horticulturists also propagate, cultivate and study plants, and treat injured and diseased trees and plants.

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